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State Senator Diana DiZoglio Calls For Plan To Reopen State House To Public

State Senator Diana DiZoglio is calling on State House leaders to get the building completely reopened more quickly.

The State House has remained closed to the public since March 2020 due to the COVID pandemic. When WBZ-TV visited the State House on Tuesday, most lawmakers’ offices were locked up and the hallways were empty.

Sen. DiZoglio (D-Methuen) said it’s unacceptable that the public is not allowed in the building.

“We see restaurants open, small businesses open; we see events opening, concerts happening, shows happening, bars opening,” DiZoglio said.
“And that’s all happening across the Commonwealth but simultaneously, the people’s house is closed and it’s blocking access for people that really need access to be able to voice their opinion voice their concerns to their legislators.”

DiZoglio said she is also confused by the plan in place to slowly reopen the building in four phases. Right now, they’re in phase 2. The building is supposed to reopen in phase 4 but DiZoglio said there is no guidance for how long it will take to get to that last phase.


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