BOSTON – Senator Diana DiZoglio has been endorsed by the Massachusetts Nurses Association (MNA) PAC — the political action committee of the largest union and professional association of registered nurses and health professionals in the state — for Auditor of Massachusetts, citing her championing of frontline workers.
“Our members appreciate the critical role played by the Auditor in the state affairs of the Commonwealth,” said Katie Murphy, RN, and president of the MNA. “We endorse Senator Diana DiZoglio because of her diverse experience and accomplishments in government, her commitment to transparency, and her ability to be both proactive and reflective in her work for the residents of Massachusetts. She is a champion for us and all frontline workers, and we look forward to seeing her impact in the Auditor’s office.”
Since its founding in 1903, the MNA has been the most powerful and effective voice on nursing and health care in the Commonwealth. It represents more than 23,000 members working in 85 health care facilities, including 51 acute care hospitals, as well as a growing number of nurses and health professionals working in schools, visiting nurse associations, public health departments and state agencies.
“Our nurses are frontline heroes,” said Sen. DiZoglio. “As the daughter of a nurse, I’ve seen their sacrifices first hand and understand the challenges they face every single day in facilities across our Commonwealth. That experience has informed my efforts as a legislator to ensure that everyone in Massachusetts has access to the affordable, quality health care they deserve, and it is a passion I will bring to the Auditor’s office. I am honored beyond measure by the MNA’s endorsement.”
To date, DiZoglio has also been endorsed by the National Association of Government Employees (NAGE), UNITE HERE 26, IBEW Local 223, Boston Carmen’s Union, Iron Workers Local 7, Machinists District 15, the MBTA Inspectors Union, Operating Engineers Local 4, the Professional Fire Fighters of Massachusetts, Teamsters Local 170 and 25, and the Puerto Rican PAC of Lawrence.